About Me

Hi, I'm Travis Kiefer, a software engineer with a passion for deep intellectual exploration. I'm fascinated by mathematical concepts and their ability to illuminate relations within physics, programming, and design. In a previous life I ran a marathon on all 7 continents, started a company that participated in Y Combinator, and built a $10M real estate company.
This website is the place where I translate ideas into experimental code explorations. I believe that software is an underdeveloped dynamic medium with incredible exploratory potential. Whether it's a widget exploring color theory or procedural geometry, I want to delight myself and others with the power of creative endeavor.
When I'm not lost in thought, I enjoy long contemplative walks, basking in the sun, and afternoon naps. I deeply value the space to be and not do. My best work occurs in this space of not-doing because inspiration emerge spontaneously.
If you are interested in working with me, see how I can help.